Chemo number 78

It’s my last chemo. In total this is number 78. What a terrifying achievement. It’s both ridiculous and amazing that I’ve had so many of the toxic cocktails. They’ve made me horrifically ill and but also they kept me alive.

It’s been around 14 years since I was first diagnosed but it’s been in the last four years that I’ve had most of the chemo.

As you know I travel a long distance by train from my home in the Cotswolds to London for treatment. I quite enjoy the journey. It’s also easier to be ill on a train than in someone else’s car! Looking out at the countryside also helps to put things into perspective. 
The landscape looks so very beautiful. When you’re aware that your life maybe limited, things take on a new meaning. On these train journeys, when I look out the window, the colour of the land and the sky seem to be more vivid. Somehow much brighter. Like it’s being filtered though some kid of photo app. Or maybe I’m just noticing more especially after being cooped up at home most days. Whatever it is I’m glad that soon I won’t be having make this trip to get a big dose of toxic drugs. 

12 thoughts on “Chemo number 78

  1. Please please, I hope you have more time you are amazing. Did you get more boiled sweets?😄

  2. Congratulations on finishing chemo Helen. You’ve done brilliantly. Sophie xx

  3. You are amazing really! Congratulations. I’ve been through 10 chemos this year and that seemed like a mountain but somehow you dig deep and find new inspirations.

    Big fat well done you xxx

  4. Excellent news!! I hope your road to good health continues and you pick yourself up from this horrible/wonderful chemo. Best wishes xx

  5. Glad this is the last one. Hope you soon start feeling better. You are amazing and have been so brave throughout xxx

  6. Well done on getting so far, you are one in a million. I always love it when I see you pop up in my inbox and tell us how you are doing! Keep fighting lovely lady! <3 xxx

  7. Congratulations Helen. I cannot imagine how lousy you feel right now but I wish you a speedy recovery from the toxic drugs and the longest chemo-cation ever!

  8. Great to hear and hoping you can now feel better day by day and enjoy doing some more things from your list for living. Have just been to the Cotswolds for a short holiday. You live in a very beautiful part of England.

  9. Love that photo, the worst that happens sometimes makes you see more than before xx You probably don’t think you’re strong but I think you’re granite xx

  10. No 78….. Finished Thank God……And God Willing this will be it…..
    A wedding to continue to plan and continue that wish list !!!!
    So proud of you, you are brave and courageous , beautiful and a fabulous friend … I wish you absolutely everything good……
    In a weird way I’ve enjoyed reading you blogs… They make me incredible proud of you… And also stop me whinging !!
    Course … Chemo 60 still makes me smile ( a bit) with the toilet selfie !! I don’t know anyone who could inject that gsoh within a cancer blog !! I do actually …… YOU !!! ❤️
    I don’t want to hear you whinging mind …. It’s not tooth ache or a chest infection !!!!!!
    Much Love Beautiful xxxxxxxxxxx

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